...a Frenkel & Co., Inc. Company

Sell Sheets & Brochures

Click on the links below to download sell sheets and brochures

Auto Type Size
Zurich Auto sell sheet 155K
Zurich Motor Vehicle Records guide 83K

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Office Package (Property/General Liability) Type Size
Chubb Customarq sell sheet 303K
Chubb Customarq 101 Reasons sell sheet 172K
CNA Office Package sell sheet 234K
Hartford Business Owners Package brochure 67K

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E&O / D&O Type Size
AIG/Chartis E&O / D&O brochure 76K
AIG/Chartis E&O / D&O sell sheet 179K
AIG/Chartis Investment Banking Engagement E&O sell sheet 70K
CNA E&O / D&O brochure 93K
Hartford E&O / D&O sell sheet 59K
XL E&O / D&O brochure 24K
Hartford Independent Directors Liability sell sheet 63K

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Fidelity Bond / Crime Type Size
AIG/Chartis Financial Institution Bond sell sheet 74K
Hartford Fidelity Bond / Crime sell sheet 72K
HCC Global Financial Institution Bond sell sheet 128K
Zurich Financial Institution Bond sell sheet 46K
Zurich Guide to Preventing Theft and Embezzlement 184K

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Employment Practices Liability Type Size
Hartford Employment Practices Liability sell sheet 78K
Travelers Employment Practices Liability sell sheet 169K

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Fiduciary Liability Type Size
Chubb Fiduciary Liability sell sheet 40K
Hartford Fiduciary Liability sell sheet 76K
Travelers Fiduciary Liability sell sheet 167K

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Kidnap & Ransom Type Size
Chubb Kidnap & Ransom sell sheet 175K
Hartford Kidnap & Ransom sell sheet 74K
Travelers Kidnap & Ransom sell sheet 169K
Travelers Kidnap & Ransom coverage checklist 196K

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Employee Benefits Type Size
Introduction to Frenkel Benefits LLC 13.7MB

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Foreign Liability Type Size
ACE USA foreign liability brochure 111K
ACE USA Executive Assistance Services brochure 112K
ACE USA foreign liability claim examples 40K
AIG/Chartis foreign liability brochure 1.06MB
Chubb foreign liability brochure 158K
Travelers foreign liability brochure 3.58MB

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Personal Asset Protection Insurance Type Size
AIG/Chartis Proactive Protection 56K
AIG/Chartis Unique Solutions 53K
AIG/Chartis Hurricane Protection Unit 422K
AIG/Chartis Protecting Your Wine 416K
AIG/Chartis Protecting Outdoor Sculptures 271K
AIG/Chartis Hurricane Preparedness Checklist 657K
Chubb Condominium Insurance 137K
Chubb Masterpiece Family Protection 250K
Fireman's Fund Prestige Homeowners Brochure 323K
Fireman's Fund Prestige Condominium Brochure 305K
Fireman's Fund Prestige Auto Brochure 602K
Fireman's Fund Collector Car Brochure 653K
Fireman's Fund Fine Art / Collections Brochure 315K

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Risk Management / General Insurance Issues Type Size
CNA Guide to Purchasing Insurance 299K
Hartford Insurance Coverage Analyzer 70K
Hartford Customized Insurance for Investment Firms 279K
Information Required To Quote Checklist 157K

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Transactional Risk Type Size
AIG/Chartis - Reasons for Buying Reps & Warranties Insurance 51K
AIG/Chartis Reps & Warranties Insurance sell sheet 65K
AIG/Chartis Tax Liability Insurance sell sheet 51K
Information Required To Quote Checklist 157K

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Umbrella Liability Type Size
Chubb Commercial Umbrella Liability sell sheet 199K

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Workers' Compensation Type Size
Chubb Foreign Voluntary Workers' Compensation sell sheet 138K
Chubb Workers' Compensation sell sheet 879K
Workers' Compensation Guide - California 1,059K
Workers' Compensation Guide - Illinois 406K
Workers' Compensation Guide - Massachusetts 88K
Workers' Compensation Guide - New Jersey 297K
Workers' Compensation Guide - New York 686K
Workers' Compensation Guide - Texas 27K

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Copyright © 2009 Frenkel & Co., Inc.

Hedge Fund Insurance
a division of Frenkel & Co., Inc.
350 Hudson Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10014
Phone: 212-488-0270  Fax: 212-488-0432