...a Frenkel & Co., Inc. Company
December 31, 2008 Advisen Forecasts Prolonged Hard Market
December 30, 2008 Survey Predicts More Litigation Ahead
December 24, 2008 Fund Sued By Madoff Victim
December 13, 2008 Funds Fall Victim to Madoff Fraud
December 8, 2008 Bankruptcy Trustee Sues Citadel Investment Group LLC
November 25, 2008 Michigan-Based Aurifex Commodities Research Co. Ordered to Pay a Total of $150,000 in Restitution and Civil Monetary Penalties to Resolve CFTC Charges of “Private Hedge Fund” Fraud
November 13, 2008 Hedge Fund Managers Anticipate Increased Regulation Under New Presidential Administration According to New Survey from CPA Firm Rothstein Kass
November 12, 2008 Peconic Whistleblower Fired
November 6, 2008 Advisen Releases Special Report on the Impact of the Subprime Mortgage Market and the Global Credit Markets on E&O Insurers
September 22, 2008 New York Insurance Superintendent Advises Policyholders on AIG
March 28, 2008 Hedge Fund Insurance Launches New Website

News feed courtesy of The New York Times

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Hedge Fund Insurance
a division of Frenkel & Co., Inc.
350 Hudson Street, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10014
Phone: 212-488-0270  Fax: 212-488-0432